
kcapi_kpp_dh_setparam_pkcs3 — set the PG parameters using PKCS3 format


int kcapi_kpp_dh_setparam_pkcs3 (struct kcapi_handle * handle,
 const uint8_t * pkcs3,
 uint32_t pkcs3len);



[in] cipher handle


[in] parameter buffer in DER format


[in] length of key buffer


With this function, the caller sets the PG parameters for subsequent cipher operations.

The parameter set must be in DER format as follows

SEQUENCE { prime INTEGER ({ dh_get_p }), base INTEGER ({ dh_get_g }) }

The following command generates such parameter set where the output

file content is has the correct DER structure

openssl dhparam -outform DER -out dhparam.der 2048

Note, this function defines that the subsequent key generation and shared secret operation performs an FFC Diffie-Hellman operation.

After the caller provided the key, the caller may destroy the parameter as it is now maintained by the kernel.

return upon success the value of the maximum size for the KPP operation is returned (e.g. the prime size); a negative errno-style error code if an error occurred